New to Osokony? How to Become a Seller

Are you a New Osokony User looking to start selling on Osokony? Follow this simple step-by-step guide to create your seller account and start listing your products.


Step 1: Access the Seller Signup Page

  • Click on "Become a Seller" at the top menu of the page.

  • Alternatively, find it under the "Make Money with Us" section in the footer (bottom of page).

Step 2: Initial Sign Up

  • Enter your Email Address and Name.

  • Review the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, then accept them.

  • Click "REGISTER WITH EMAIL" to proceed to the Seller Registration form.

On the top of the page, the you will be able to see a toast message instructing you to check for a “Verification Link sent on the Email address

Step 3: Email Verification

  • Check your registered email for a verification link sent from Osokony.

  • Click the verification link to verify your email address

Step 4: Create Your Seller Account

On the Seller Registration form, under the "Personal Details" tab:

1.      Provide the following information:

  • Name: Your full name.

  • Username: Choose a unique username.

  • Email: Your valid email address.

  • Password: Create a strong, alphanumeric password (minimum 8 characters).

  • Confirm Password: Re-enter your password.

2.      Terms and Conditions: Check the box to confirm your agreement. This is required.

3.   Click "Save and Next" to move to the Account Activation page.

Step 5: Activate Your Account

  1. On the Account Activation page, provide the following Business Details:

  • Business Name: Your business's name.

  • Contact Person's Name: The name of a contact person for your business.

  • Phone Number: Your business contact number.

  • Tax Certificate (Optional): Upload your business tax certificate if available.

  1. Click "Save & Next" to proceed to the Confirmation tab.

Step 6: Confirmation

  • A confirmation message will appear, confirming your successful registration.

  • Click "Login To Start Selling" button to go to the Log In page.

  • You will also receive a confirmation email on your registered email address.

  • Your seller account registration is complete, but it requires Osokony Admin approval before full access is granted.

Step 7: Admin Approval

  • You will receive an email notification once Osokony approves your account.

  • A Congratulations Message will also appear on your account dashboard.

  • After approval, you can access all sections of your Seller Dashboard.


📌 Note: Every Seller is automatically registered as an Advertiser in the system.

Getting Started Selling on Osokony